NJNAHRO Training



Click HERE for the registration form

Important Housing Authority Training

 N.J.N.A.H.R.O. Training Institute


 Housing Authority Staff Training

 Dealing With Difficult People


            Your Authority’s public image is largely based upon your staff’s interface with the public.  Rude, nasty employees have a terrible effect of your agency’s public image.  We will assist you in providing the necessary tools to ensure your staff is acting in a professional & courteous manner in dealing with the public, especially difficult people.

 Friday, February 17th, 2023

Perth Amboy Housing Authority

The “Parkview”

618 New Brunswick Avenue

Perth Amboy, New Jersey 08861




“Skills for Commissioners”

Friday, February 17th, 2023

Click HERE for the registration form.

New Jersey NAHRO will be conducting the required “Skills for Commissioners” class virtually. A separate registration form is attached for use in registering for this required course to obtain credit towards your five mandatory classes. This class is one of the four required classes to be completed within 18 months of your appointment as a commissioner.

 Do not miss this opportunity to complete one of your training classes.

A separate email with be provided with the “Zoom” link to attend this class. 


NJNAHRO Training Institute

  The New Jersey Chapter of NAHRO provides regular training workshops and seminars for its members.  It is the goal of NJNAHRO to provide low-cost, current training sessions that are of interest and importance to the membership.  These workshops are held at various locations, throughout New Jersey, at the times and dates listed in the document link below.

In addition to NJNAHRO’s regularly scheduled seminars and workshops, we can provide on-site training to Housing Authority staff and board members.  There are numerous topics and subjects that we can provide to our members at their location.  We can also provide custom training on issues that your Authority would like addressed.  If you are interested in on-site training, please contact us for the details and pricing.

Please click HERE for more detailed information on the NJNAHRO Training Institute.



            How to Develop Affordable Housing

            How to establish a non-profit Corporation

            Redevelopment law 101


            Accounting 101 for Staff

            Basic PHA Bookkeeping

            The Financial Management cycle

            Energy Performance Contracting Fundamentals (EPC)


            Capital Fund Program Administration Basics

            Housing Choice Voucher Administration (HCV)

            Section 8 Management Assessment Program Basics (SDEMAP)

            Family Self Sufficiency Training (FSS)

            HCV Homeownership Training

            Public Housing Administration Basics

            Occupancy & Rent Calculations

            Public Housing Assessment System Basics (PHAS)

            How to maintain tenant files according to the regulations Program Integrity)

            Enterprise Income Verification Basics (EIV)

            PIC Training

            Hearing Officer Training


            Executive Management and Leadership Training

            Basic Property Management

            Ethics  for Employees

            How to supervise people

            How to Deal with Difficult people

            How to improve morale

            Procurement & Purchasing for staff

            Asset Management Basics

            AMP Manager training

            Grant Writing Basics

            How to write policies & procedures


            How to Effectively deal with gangs and drugs in Public Housing

            How to implement a good security system using the latest technology


            How to effectively deal with residents

            How to maintain a positive public image


            Skills for Commissioners (Roles & Responsibilities)

            Ethics for Commissioners     

            How to conduct a public meeting (Roberts Rules)

            Commissioner Leadership Training

            Essentials for Commissioners

            How to develop and monitor basic standards & expectations


            Basic public relations and your image

            How to develop a newsletter & Annual Report

            Using Social Media to your advantage


            Maintenance system basics

            How to develop and monitor maintenance schedules

            Preventative and routine maintenance functions

            Basic electrical, plumbing and HVAC for staff

            How to prepare for your REAC inspection