Donation Committee

Chairperson: Anthony Feorenzo

Members are Janice DeJohn, Anthony Feorenzo, Kimberly Gober, Vernon Lawrence

The purpose of the committee is to set the parameters of what type of donations will be made, review all requests for donations, and present their recommendations to the full Board for approval.  


Training Committee
Chairperson: Victor Cirilo
Members:     E. Dorothy Carty-Daniel
1. Analyzing the options of purchasing a building vs. leasing a building
2. Developing cirriculum for training and identify trainers and topics for staff,
    Commissioners, and residents
3. Develop a budget
4. Keep human interaction as a priority in all aspects of training
5. Get certified as training center and/ or identify we can certify training

Conference Committee
Chairperson: Louis Riccio
Members:      Robert DiVincent
                     Janice DeJohn, Joseph Billy

1. Put together sessions and agenda for November Conference (8 sessions)
2. Contact and arrange for speakers from PHADA, NAHRO, and/ or State
    (8 speakers)
3. Get sponsors for events and for evening receptions
4. Volunteer to help man the desk and run the event

Scholarship Committee
Chairperson: Janice DeJohn
Members:   Douglas Dzema
                   Louis Riccio
                   Joseph M. Billy, Jr.
1. Review current scholarship and make necessary revisions
2. Create additional scholarship that is focused on community efforts and
    volunteering and consider possible Vo-Tech scholarship
3. Revise time lines for scholarship (getting it out in February and completing
    and awarding in May)
4. Create system to track all current and previously awarded scholarships

Public Relations Committee
Chairperson: Vernon Lawrence
Members:     Sherry Sims
                    Lynn Bartlett

1. Establish goals for meeting with State representatives and industry leaders
2. Assist Conference Committee with identifying possible State speakers for
3. Create monthly goal of getting good news out (at least 3 stories) that can
    be put on the website and distributed out
4. Review brochure and website to make revisions
5. Develop a system to reach out to Commissioners, other ED of PHA's that
    are not NJNAHRO members

 By-laws Committee
Chairperson: Victor Cirilo
Members:    Gary Centinaro
                    Douglas Dzema
                    Sherry Sims
                    Robert DiVincent
1. Review By-laws and changes proposed by NJNAHRO Counsel
2. Review revisions and make recommendations to the Board for
    consideration of revisions to By-laws

Nominating Committee
Chairperson: Louis Riccio
Members:     Joseph M. Billy, Jr.
                    Douglas Dzema

1. Work to complete all required actions of the committee as defined in the
2. Review Board vacancy process and make recommendations of ways it
    can be improved
3. Complete outreach to all members to attract active list of people who
    are willing to volunteer and serve on the Board